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Helper function for lists of lists, where the top level list is over multiple samples, and the sublists are results that are identical across samples that one wishes to bind


  what = c("rbind", "cbind", "c"),
  .add_id = FALSE,
  .id_name = "id"



List of lists of rbindable data


Name or index of sublist


Specify either cbind or rbind (Currently only rbind implemented)


Add identifiers to each data entry prior to merging. Based on list names if available. (default=FALSE)


Name of the id column if added


toplist <- list(
  sample_1 = list(
    result1 = data.frame(
      a = c(1, 2, 3),
      b = c("X", "Y", "Z")
    result2 = data.frame(
      height = 180,
      weight = 75
  sample_2 = list(
    result1 = data.frame(
      a = c(6, 5, 4),
      b = c("A", "B", "C")
    result2 = data.frame(
      height = 155,
      weight = 60

bind_sublist(toplist, sublist = 1, what = "rbind", .add_id = TRUE)
#>         id a b
#> 1 sample_1 1 X
#> 2 sample_1 2 Y
#> 3 sample_1 3 Z
#> 4 sample_2 6 A
#> 5 sample_2 5 B
#> 6 sample_2 4 C

bind_sublist(toplist, sublist = "result2", what = "rbind", .add_id = TRUE)
#>         id height weight
#> 1 sample_1    180     75
#> 2 sample_2    155     60

bind_sublist(toplist, sublist = 2, what = "rbind", .add_id = FALSE)
#>   height weight
#> 1    180     75
#> 2    155     60